🎯 Elevate Your Nonprofit Fundraising with Expert Insights from Jeff Brooks
Category: direct-mail-nonprofits
🌟 Free Q&A: Successful Tips for Direct Mail & Email Fundraising!
Direct Mail for Nonprofits,
direct mail nonprofits,
Email for Nonprofits
December 13, 2024
Why Direct Mail Fundraising is Better This Year-End Giving Season
direct mail,
nonprofit marketing,
direct mail nonprofits
November 19, 2019
Blog post by Erica Waasdorp This past weekend, I spent several hours going through the stack of direct mail packs I had received in the past two weeks. I reviewed each one, identified organizations I’d like to donate to and then I scanned in those that could help give me some new ideas for year-end giving appeals for organizations I work with. Every year around this time, I talk to nonprofits, struggling to decide if they should send out a direct mail appeal at year-end. Sadly, every year, some organizations drag their feet too long that they end up missing out on the best time of the year to generate the funds they need to support their mission! Why does this happen? I think there are...
Direct Mail For Nonprofits – The Number One Thing To Consider Before Sending Your Next Campaign
nonprofit marketing,
nonprofit fundraising,
direct mail nonprofits,
Donor Management
March 13, 2019
Blog post by Erica Waasdorp
How to Save Money on USPS Direct Mail Postage with Barcodes
nonprofit marketing,
donor mail,
usps direct mail,
direct mail nonprofits,
Nonprofit Tips & Tricks
January 02, 2019
Do you ever wonder how your USPS direct mail gets to your donor’s mailbox? And how you can use best practices to save money on all of your nonprofit USPS direct mail campaigns? Have you ever been to the National Postal Museum in Washington, DC? It’s located right next to Union Station and access is FREE. The museum shows in interactive ways how it all began. You’ll see how people literally risked their lives to make sure that the mail got delivered. From horse to stage coach to trains to planes…