Category: how-to-retain-donors

Drop in the bucket? Or a donor deluge?

Let your donors know their gifts have impact Nonprofits often deal in large numbers, raising millions of dollars to feed hundreds of thousands of starving children or saving thousands of homeless animals, or rebuilding whole communities after a disaster. But for most people, those numbers don’t resonate. We hurt for those in need, but we wonder how much our relative drop-in-the-bucket donations can help. You know that every dollar matters. Your job is to let your donors know that, as well. Part of the solution is helping donors think in digestible numbers. This campaign does a really nice job of that. Texas-based nonprofit Artist Boat promotes awareness and preservation of coastal prairies,...

What Do You Mean You Don’t Need an Annual Report? It’s Not About You! | CharityHowTo

I love teaching the Annual Reports webinars for CharityHowTo’s participants (How to Create an Awesome Annual Report and How to Transition Your Annual Report to an Infographic). Professionals who attend and engage have excellent questions, constructive ideas for others, and thoughtful approaches to serving their donors. And fundraising publications are one of my favorite topics in development. Sure, as a professional writer, I’m biased, but every nonprofit needs them and (should) use collateral all the time! While I know the folks who attend these webinars benefit from the conversation, I have also noticed a big problem. I receive A LOT of emails from potential participants who are...