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Asking Styles: A Revolutionary Concept in Fundraising


Free Nonprofit Fundraising Skills Webinar: Asking Styles: A Revolutionary Concept in Fundraising


Today, I'm delighted to be here talking about the asking style.


I am a lifelong asker nonprofit person.


I did not grow up saying, I wanted to be in the nonprofit world, and certainly not a fundraiser, but I fell into it, like many of us do. I went into the nonprofit world. And the next thing, I knew someone asked me to help with a special, then, somebody asked me to help with a grant, and I became a fundraiser.


And I spent 25 years at nonprofits, either being the head fundraiser, or being the executive director.


Before developing, asking matters. Because I thought that I wanted to help the field become more comfortable and more effective, asking, asking for donations, but also developing relationships with institutions and such.


And, and I thought, I could make an impact that way. So I spent the last 10 years training, and coaching, and such, but I still am asking for funds. And because people look at me and they say, oh, you know, Brian is, you know, he's, he's the expert. I can't do what he does.


I want you to know that this picture is as much as the one before, I am no more, the stereotype of the fundraiser that almost anyone is. I do it because I care.


I don't want to do it per se. I don't necessarily want to ask people for money. I still have all my own issues after 35 years. But I know I can make an impact by doing so. So I do.


So whether you're a staff member or volunteer, we're really mostly asking for the same reason. If you happen to be one of those people who grew up, say, I went up and I felt I want to be a fundraiser, one new type that in the questions box once in a while, someone says that the case. But most of the time, we cover that indirectly.


So today, we're going to talk about this key concept of asking styles that we developed at ... matters to help people be more comfortable and more effective, And then we're going to apply it to what we call the five steps of the apps. So each step along the way, there are always some best practices. But because asking is about this type of *** gately, building relationships and asking in person or face-to-face, or at least individually, it's so much about the relationship. But we are that there is a lot of art to it. It's not like direct mail, which is almost all science, Everything has a balance of art and science, and this type of asking us so much art, and so much about who we are.


So let's talk about the asking styles.


So, the last thing styles came about because we realized, and interestingly, we started by looking at boards of directors because we all have a challenge in getting our boards to fundraise. And it's important that our ports fundraise.


So we were looking at boards and saying, Well, how can we help board members understand they can be fundraisers too as volunteers?


And we said, Well, let's start with the idea that there are many ways to be effective in many ways, to ask for nonprofit gifts Then thought, Well, what are the characteristics that make most of her asking stop?


Now, not surprisingly, the first characteristic is how do you interact with people? Are you extroverted or introverted?


Now, a lot of people have a stereotype about this, that they look at extroverts, and they think of, someone like, if you're older, like me, John Candy from planes, trains, and automobiles, or Michael Scott from the office, many of you might be familiar with that. An introvert is someone like, Shrek hermetically sealed never goes out, never socializes. Of course, neither of those is true. The difference between extroverts and introverts is is where they derive their energy, whether it's from others or from themselves. And this has to do very much with whether we talk to thinker thing to talk. Now, extroverts talk to think, meaning, they process out loud.


They're comfortable sharing their thoughts as they're thinking about, whereas introverts like to stop and think, and then share their thoughts.


Well, if we're in a conversation with others, in one of the XOOM rooms, we've been endlessly for the last year and a half, where we know that if we wait to talk, someone else is gonna fill the space, unless someone has said, hey Brian, what do you think of that?


No one is gonna wait for Brian to talk.


So,  introverts speed up their thought process in order to be in the rhythm of a conversation. And this uses a lot of energy, so whereas introverts can be perfectly social and enjoy being with people, it often can use up their energy because of needing to speed up that process.


This impacts tremendously your comfort in meeting new people, having discussions with potential donors, and so forth, very key due to fundraising.


The second is, how do you take in information? Are you analytic or intuitive? Do you start with data and then derive the idea? Or do you start with an idea, and then you see if the data supports it?


And this is going to impact why you care about your organization in the first place.


What brought you to it, either as a staff member, volunteer and how you're going to talk about it. And we'll come back to this. And I'll give you some examples of how this impacts how you talk about your organization. When we put these together we get the four asking styles that ASCII matters rainmaker. Go get a kindred spirit in mission control. So, I'm going to talk a little bit about each, and then I'm going to launch a poll and ask you, which you think might be your primary asking stop, And I say primary because no one fits cleanly in one box. We'll see that we all have a little bit of all these different characteristics. And the question is where do you see yourself? So let's walk through these.


So we start with the Rainmaker.


When people think fundraiser and try to develop their fundraising skills, they think, Rainmaker the analytic extra berk, very objective-driven, goal-oriented, a bit competitive, keeps their eye on the prize.


These are great skills.


Laser, Because this is a tough field, and we can't be deterred, and we need to keep moving forward and be strategic about how we did it. So great for fundraising skills, but not the only ones. Then we have a go-getter or intuitive extrovert, the life of the party makes friends easily. Big picture thinker has lots of energy, gets everyone excited with their own, through their energy very quick, quick on their feet, engaging. These are great fundraising skills when we're trying to develop relationships with our donors and bring them on board. Wonderful key skills.


Then we have our Kendricks curves, I'm a classic kindred spirit. I'm an intuitive introvert, we're feelings oriented.


We, we, everyone's personal for us, even though we try to make it less personal. We wear our hearts on their sleeves. And because we tend to be sensitive, we are also sensitive to others.


So we're very likely to ask people how they do it.


To be caring about them and attend to them, to make people feel heard, feel important, Feel involved.


Again, great fundraising skills for fundraising where we're trying to bring our donors in close and make them feel important so they understand their gifts matter.


This is not to say that rainmakers can't be caring, and kindred spirits can't be competitive and driven, we all have a little bit of each. Then we have our mission controllers, the Eagle scouts who always get the job done. The analytic introverts, very systematic, methodical, detailed, systematic, very responsible.


Get the job done and observant of all the styles, the most of the observant, most likely to sit back, and observe, and listen. And as we know, when fundraising, listening is one of the most important skills to ask our donors, questions and to listen and learn.


Another way I like to look at this stuff is just through the core question each of us when we're trying to figure out what's important to us, what's meaningful, what's driving us? So the Rainmaker said, well, what's the goal? And it's gonna be, it's gotta be quantitative because the rainmaker needs to know when it's been reached.


Something in the future that we're aiming for, as quantitative, I'm going to close five nonprofit gifts. I'm going to raise $10000. I'm going to engage five new donors.


The go-getter is looking in the future as well, but more broadly, what's the opportunity?


What can we make happen if we're successful?


The Kindred spirit is saying, What moves my heart?


What am I feeling inside that's going to move me, I want this to happen because I really care and the mission controllers say, OK, guys, that's all well and good.


But what's the plan? Because if there's no plan, you're not going to reach your goal. If there's no plan, you can't take advantage of this opportunity. If there's no planet, it certainly doesn't matter what you're feeling, because it's not going to happen.


So these are the four asking styles.


And now, I'm going to launch this poll in a SEC, and I'd love you to tell me which you think is your primary style.


Here we go, Take a few seconds. Don't overthink it, you can always change your mind, and I'm also going to afterward give you a more scientific way to find your F style.


So let's see, OK? Got already two-thirds of you. That's great.


Give you another NaN or you Rainmaker. Go gather, Kindred Spirit or mister Controller.




Analytic extrovert, intuitive extrovert, intuitive introvert analytic introvert.


Let's see. OK, we've got three-quarters of you I'm going to close and share the poll.


Here we go.


Not surprisingly, only 9% of you self-identified as Rainmakers, 17% go-getters, 42 of my fellow kindred spirits, 32% mission controllers.


So, I'm seeing 59% of you intuitive, 74% of you saying you are introverted, neither of which is that stereotype of a farmer, fundraiser, the analytic extrovert.


So, either only a few of us could can be successful fundraisers, which obviously I don't believe, or we all can be by plane to our strengths, understanding who we are, and build relationships, because, in fact, no one has it all.


So let me bring the slides up again and let's continue.


So there is a more scientific way to find your dial, and I hope you will all do so. As the matters, is that 30 question, True, false assessments, free to everyone. You just click on, find You're asking style on any of your devices. And you will get a primary and secondary result. It will say, you know, primarily for me, I'm primarily a kindred spirit, and unstack into early admission controller.


So looking at the graph, the red behind me, it shows the IM dominantly an introvert, but I do have some analytic.


And it really is very true to who I am, because I am definitely, here.


I don't, particularly, like analytics, but I can do them. And I'm organized when I have to be. So, I end up leaving things a lot, and stuff, because I want to. I'm a bit shy, and I'd rather not leak things. But my kindred spirit gives me a sense of responsibility. And my mission controller gives me some ability to do it. So I ended up doing it, They end up being the leader.


So, you will get it primary and secondary, which will give you a lot of information. I encourage you to have all of your fundraising staff, and all of your board take the assessment, because you'll learn so much about each other and how to work with each other. And a greater appreciation for each other and what you bring to the table with your fundraising skills.


So now we're going to The Well, the number one thing to take away, I hope, is that none of these styles are more effective than the other. Truly.


I truly believe everyone can be equally successful as the fundraiser. We're just different.


one has their strengths, and in life, we play to our strengths.


So, now, we're going to apply our asking styles for what we call the five steps, the apps, selecting prospects, preparing the asked, setting up the meeting, asking me for the gift, and following through. So let us look at each of those briefly, and see how our style impacts us.


So selecting prospects. We know who good prospects are. Generally, current donors, recent lapsed donors, people who have been an investment in your organization, volunteers program, participants, people, who have been impacted by the program, and such.


And on top of that, we layer the asking styles. Because for each of us, and this is particularly true for board members now, as staff, we often have to go out and see whoever we don't get to pick and choose. We don't have that luxury. But for our board members, where we're trying to help them hone in on a few key contacts, the asking styles really can come into play.


So for me, I believe when we're taught, when we're looking at our board, we should give our rainmakers top dollar prospects.


Because Rainmaker Board members will be driven by getting the big gift if we give a rainmaker. A small fish, small potatoes donor, they're not going to be as enthusiastic. They're not going to work as hard. So if you've got top donor, top dollar prospects, and you need the board's involvement, I say give that to Rainmaker board members.


By the way, while you as a staff member, might have to solicit a broad range, this also gives you a sense of who will be easier for you to solicit.


Not rainmakers are great with their own business context, very strategic about how they leverage them for their professional lives and for their personal lives. And rainmakers a great with new contexts rainmakers our objectives. They're comfortable meeting new people and they like the challenge of seeing whether they can turn a prospect to go get.


There are also like new prospects because they love meeting new people and we're very comfortable and engaging with them. Go-getters are great, soliciting their friends and acquaintances. They'd like to cast the net.


Why did they see everyone is they think everyone's going to love my organization like I do not offer kindred spirits. I often say, for kindred spirit board members, stay away from those who know best. I know for me, it gets a little too personal. But if a board, if you have a board member is new to fundraising, I said, give the board member. those would likely to say, Yes. Maybe fellow board members or long-term donors, where the question is and how much someone might contribute isn't whether they'll contribute only. How much look contribute? And that might give a kindred spirit of comfort and permission controllers of family foundations of that money is really individual money. But in a foundation, there are guidelines and deadlines and sometimes proposals on that structure work well for Michigan controllers. Machine controllers have fun with their friends. They'll do it systematically and then I always throw this one to mission control is always get the job done.


So if there's someone who must be seen, give that person to a mission controller.


So, when I'm looking at these four styles and their spheres of influence, I'd say, well, rainmakers, look at their world very strategically.


Go-getters cast the net wide all for 1 1 for all. Kindred spirits, much more select. right? And mission controllers will solicit their friends but very methodically.


And then, the other dichotomy here, I really find interesting is the analytic intuitive.


If you're adding an analytic and you, and you cultivating solicited analytic, you are speaking more of the same language, to begin with, we're going to get to that.


Good executive, same for intuitive.


And so, keep in mind, that dichotomy as well, maybe just maybe in choosing prospects, but also in understanding your prospects and, and how you might prepare for the meeting, knowing they are different or like you.


Before we move on, I see that there are a couple of questions here.


one, I just want to question box and brunt.


Um, see. Ah, I didn't want to answer this question. Do you think our styles change based on decades of training? Although we're an actual style is different. I don't actually believe we are who we are. And what happens over time, Kim, is that we we strengthen the parks that were more challenging. But our core, we still aren't. We are, so I see all the time with executive directors, and I bet many of you on today are. Executive directors often come from the program side. And program. People often are more intuitive, and the executive directors, and now they've got to manage the budget and do what they have to play all sorts of roles they had played before. And they really need to beef up on the analytics side, but they need to use those skills when they weren't part of their core comfort. So we sometimes use different skills over time and we strengthen fundraising skills, but at the end of the day, I think we still are who we are at the core.


Also, some people are Uber, that's an Uber, that so some people are, let's say uber go getter, You know, they're just they're really out here. Remember that this is a spectrum and a continuum. And then there are others who might be very close here.


So it could be possible.


In some people are a much more equal balance of the styles to begin with and can much more easily use these various threads and therefore, actually interact with other people.


Those of us who are very much something or, or other might be more challenged and might have a harder time incorporating all of those threats.


Thank you for asking that question, Kim.


So, making your case, your case for support, this is one of the most important things in fundraising, and perhaps, what is most impacted by our asking staff? So we know generally that a case for support is a story, right?


A set of ideas that we craft into store to move the teller and the listener. And the most important word here, is you, the teller. People often say, don't I have to Tell them, don't know what the donor wants to hear. We're trying to build a relationship, which means we need to be authentic, and that means we should be passionate.


We should be passionate about our organization, and if we're passionate and authentic, what we say will be compelling to the donor, the listener.


We are telling our story to someone, and trying to get them excited about our organization, and what's important to us.


And the means being, as we said, Authentic, this isn't cold calling. I love this cartoon many years ago was in the New Yorker. We don't have a lot of cartoons and fundraising, but I love this one about picking short the short straw to cold called, full donor, to try to raise money for some boots. I hate cold calling, like, heat, the generic asking, where you have?


You have to say the same thing to everyone, not knowing what will appeal to anyone. one of the things I do, love about the, what I would call the major gift work, where we're cultivating soliciting people, individually, is getting to know people and getting to talk to them one-on-one and develop that relationship. As opposed to saying the same thing to all people and having a script from step to step.


So we have best practices telling a compelling story, but then we How are we going to tell that story? So the Rainmaker is going to use facts and figures and outcomes and goals, and strategies to tell what I would call a vision.


A vision, An outcome story. We want to focus on the future and on the outcomes of the organization, but we tell our story differently.


The go getter is going to tell a much more general big picture story. As a matter of fact, this is an area where the go getter has an easiest Go getters can often tell that big picture visionary story without a lot of work.


Kindred spirits are more likely to talk about mission and to help participants stories of one person or their own story their own journey and how the organization has impacted them. Something very personal. Whereas the Mission Controller is going to use methods, systems, and plans to say, This is how we have an impact and fulfill our mission.


Each of us is going to tell a story, but we're going to tell a different story based on our stock. And it's important to embrace that. I often do a exercise at a board retreat where I ask everyone to go around the table, and then 75 words or less make a quick case for support, and everyone comes away saying, oh, I like someone, says, I like cells as everyone likes everyone else's better, and the bottom line is there.


Hope They're all good.


If they're your own story, now, can do that, sometimes, need some work? Do we need to make them more compelling, shorter, so we need to make them more visionary? Yes. But what's most important is that they're in one's own words, and those words are going to be different, based on our asking.


So there's tons in preparing the app that we could talk about from trying to figure out how much to request to research.


And all of those things are impacted by one's asking style, but here, we're just having 1, one example, really, her perception. So now it's time to set up the meeting. So setting up the meeting is often the hardest because that's actually where the rejections go. And you know, if you set up the meeting, the right way and your donors coming to the table, knowing that you go and ask for a gift, virtually, no donor is going to come to that meeting only to say, no, Brian, I won't make any gift. I won't make any gift of any amount, anytime, goodbye.


Where the rejection often comes is what it is in our trying to set the meeting.


So, the question is, How do we set that meeting? Well, over the years, people have said he got a call. You gotta call. And I always say, No, no, no. I'm not going to call the eight the telephone. I'm a kindred spirit at Well, now I say that, I didn't know that 30 years ago.


There are different ways to communicate. And I'm a firm believer we should communicate in the way that best suits us. I also will say today, it's very hard to get people to phone. A lot of people only have a cell phone, and are you going to call them on their cell phone? Do you know them well enough to call them? There are a lot of questions there, and Millennials.


And all of our up-and-coming senior fundraisers are millennials. Right? Millennials find the phone, the least comfortable form of communication, speaking on the phone. So if we want our millennials to be successful fundraising professionals, we've got to give them other options anyway.


But based on your asking style, different forms of communication are going to work for you.


The Rainmaker is always most strategic will figure out am I going to call him? I go right, am I going to text? And we're going to send a letter. What am I going to do based on what's most strategic?


The go getter is most likely to be comfortable and call on the spur of the moment.


As a matter of fact, there are a couple of people who call me out of the blue and they're almost always go-getters, but basically they should call. I've done I don't know if any of you are from the Chicago area for you to give me a shout out questions box. I've I was in Chicago 15 years and worked with north-western Settlement House Left 30 where Ron Manderscheid just retired as a CEO. He and I have been more than a thousand meetings together. He's a go-getter and and and I was at one point I work. There had been a consultant forever. So I'd sit on one side of the desk run with, sit on the other, and I'd have a call this. They say, OK, it's time to call Cathy and, and run with, simply pick up the phone and call them and say, hi, Kathy, Mike, I'm sitting here with Brian, and we want to set a time to come talk with you about a gift for the campaign or something like that. Now he wasn't go get it is a go-getter.


If the tables were turned and I was at, I was on the other side of the desk, I would not.


I would not be, call it. So wrong, benefited from my Michigan troller organization, lighting everything up, and at home, and Rod made the calls.


Well, that's great.


So Matt said, we just started a partnership with row middle school. That's great.


Let's see.


Maria says, If you're trying to contact the grantmaker, some of the remote, more likely getting response from a phone, call, an e-mail because of sheer quantity.


There are things you can do to work through to become confident.


There are things to work through, Maria, but I can tell you at the age of almost 59, that I still find the phone daunting even with people I know I just do. And I can write these beautiful e-mails getting down to the Kindred spirit box of beautiful heartfelt, personalized e-mails, starches spinach, which really make an impact.


So obviously if I, if I know a donor, and I know we don't like speaking call, then there's this already sort of an entree. For me. And once I know someone, I think we're, The biggest issue develops for people, is that first time.


The ideal is that we know donors really well. We know what they like. We know them well. They're expecting our calls. They like our fundraising goals and such. But the truth of the matter is that most of the time, we know our donors less well. They don't know what, they're not expecting our call.


And that adds to the challenge of getting hold of them and being comfortable.


So, so often, I'm teaching this to people who are just starting in one way or another, and I say, Do what's most comfortable? And I particularly say this for board members, No matter what. If we want our board members who are critical to our fundraising strategy, to reach out to donors, to set up meetings, take them for coffee, thank them, and such. We need to give them various options.


Then, the mission controllers are most likely to rely on the written word, because that's how they can present the most cogent, complete argument, and also mission controllers. They have a plan in mind and if the meeting goes in a different, if the call goes in a different direction, it's harder for them to attack.


one of the reasons go-getters are most comfortable on the phone is that they're comfortable with different permutations. They have an idea. They think we're going in this direction. The donor starts to go on another, and it's easy or easier for a go getter to move in that direction.


Charlotte says, What should you say in your voicemail if they don't answer the first phone call?


So, um, let me hold that question for the end and see if I have time because I don't want to short-change it.


So, permission to reach out in a way that's comfortable and effective for you if it's not comfortable. And it isn't going to be effective. And it's going to, it's not going to land well with the donor, So I do believe that you should do what works for you. Now. Of course, if you try to get a donor by e-mail, and the donor doesn't respond, you might have to try something else.


So, let's say my, my comfort zone is in an e-mail. I will send an e-mail once. I make send a follow-up e-mail and then I will call and say, I sent some e-mails, but I thought I would call and try as well.


We do need to try different methods over time to outreach of donors.


The other thing I wanted to touch on here in setting up the meeting is, the is the potency of the asking styles in partnering, to develop relationships and steward donors. I'm a big believer in partnering. I just mentioned my buddy, Ron, in Chicago. More than half of all the solicitations I've made have been with the partner, and I think partnering to cultivate and solicit donors is powerful because we build multiple connections between the donor and the organization. And the more connections a donor has with the organization. The more threads, the stronger the relationship will be.


The ideal, all other things equal is to partner diagonally across the grid. So as a kindred spirit, my best partners Rainmaker actually Rainmaker. Go gather because I'm a Kindred spirit Michigan controller.


So you might look at the grid and see it as a way to figure out who you should partner with. More likely, you've got someone you're partnering with already. You don't have that many choices, and you can use the asking styles grid to figure out how you complement each other, who might play each role, what the challenges might be.


You can even layout. Let us say. Here we are, Ron and I go get her in kindred spirit. What happens if we're going to see a mission controller?


How might the dynamic of that meeting be impacted?


Right, depending on the style. I mean, a donor is asking, but a donor has is more or less introverted, extroverted, analytic, or intuitive just as we are.


And if you can figure that out a bit, you can figure out how the meeting might play out, given your various styles, then we come on to asking for the gift.


So, the matter is our third framework. We've got the asking styles, we have the five steps, the F, and we have this arc of the ..., developed by my co-founder of ..., and this is a framework for walking through just about any meeting. And while we don't do that in detail here, we do during, I think the Awesome asked one of my longer, longer webinars coming up for charity out to this fall. This framework, as I said, works for anything, for a phone call, for video chat, for an in-person meeting, where you're asking for a gift. Getting to know someone were always settling in. Get getting on the same page. now that we're together, Confirm, and why were there that we're exploring is donors, then we're asking for whatever it is in the *** could be, for another meeting. They asked to beat open the door, The asked could be for in kind.


It could be for anything could be forgiven, then we explore their response and we confirm the app.


From the beginning, our asking style is going to impact us.


Extroverts have an easier time opening up a meeting. Ronald, always open for us, because it always took me as an introvert, a few seconds to just get comfortable in the environment. Now that are going, but was almost always an in-person meeting.


We really strove for those hard today with Coke, that, of course. We strive now for video chats where we can, and those can be even harder to get in the moment, right? Because people looking at their screens, they're multitasking. They may be in their homes and have distractions so much easier for, for extroverts and something to keep in mind. So as an introvert, I often come up with questions in advance, that I might ask is, were settling, How's the family house work? I think of someone's personal life and I think of some questions I could ask about them.


So, we walk through this. we're not doing this in detail and then we have to segue to the ask we have to take the conversation, turn it to making our case and making the apps.


So we're each going to make a different case for support raid to tell a different story based on our style and we're all going to have a challenge at that point it's very difficult to turn that conversation. So the Rainmaker often does it too soon, because rainmakers aren't big process Go-getters resists closing our, having such great time, wide ruin it by asking for a gift. And that's if you go-getters even are aware of that. You're summoned the moment which I love about go-getters. It always was up to me to say to rot, hey, Rob, we gotta move on. Gotta move on. The other, you know, Mike and Kathy love being here with us. I know, but this is the meeting, we've got to move to the next step.


Kindred spirits, we might be anxious and put off closing because that's the moment of truth where we asked for something and we could get that that what we might think of as rejection. And then we have our mission controllers who will say, OK, well, I'm supposed to ask about, halfway through a meeting where they are now.


And I'm going to apps So we all have a challenge at that point.


Our next challenge is after we ask, and that's keeping silent. So I have a question for you.


Who do you think is going to have the of the outskirts of the four styles have asked a Rainmaker Go get your kindred spirit Michigan crawler, which is the stuff that's going to have the easiest time being silent.


After asking to type it in the questions box.


Let's see, what do you think is going to have the easiest time being silent?


Lissa said, LOL, hilarious, comments about rainmakers and asks, definitely resonates. I'm sure we are what we are so let's see. What are we getting here? The responses a wide range of rainmakers, mission controllers are kindred spirit.


Kindred spirit no one's mentioned go-getter, which probably makes sense. Bunch of mission controllers coming up. So here's here's what I think as you're typing those in, let's say more mission control's, Kendra, the mission, control it. So this isn't scientific.


But I have been sleeping, eating, breathing, the asking styles for a decade now. I think it will be challenging for the Rainmaker who will want to go on and use the facts, but strategically will remember not to. I think it will be hardest for the go-getter as a tendency to go on and doesn't like the silence and we want to fill it. It'll be a little easier for us kindred spirits who are glad to have it over but we might go who write or but we might talk because we're anxious and we and I know that's a challenge for me. Sometimes, when I'm nervous, I talk too much and it will be easiest for many of you gather from the Michigan Troller, who will be glad to sit back.


Now, I'm in my comfort zone, I can listen and also will follow the rules in the rule says you need to be silent after asking, so knowing that going in, we can adjust for it right now that I know that, OK, I know that I that I want to fill this space due to anxiety. I can, I can think of ways, not.


And one of the key things, actually, I talk about this often is, is having a sip of water. And so often, this is my number one prop in fundraising.


Would you consider, Mark, would you consider a gift of $5000 for the annual campaign, and I pick up my water.


Can I put down, and often then those NaN, it's enough time for the wehrmacht to respond to me.


So knowing where our trouble spots are in the meeting, based on our asking style, lets us practice those to get better, maybe rely on our partner to help us get through that moment, or just be self-aware.


And last but not least, we have follow-through and we're just touching on it for a second here. But what happens after the meeting rainmakers great on tying down the details and strategizing but really didn't want to go onto the next?


Because it's closing that gift and raising that dollar that resonates most for the Rainmaker. Go get our great about big picture about big gestures. Personal thanks will want to have an ongoing relationship with the donor become friendly with the donor.


But often rushes through this in strategic enough injured spirit makes donors feel appreciated if anyone's going to write it. And written note, a kindred spirit will my problem for years was that I didn't want to let anyone down.


And so, I focus too much on certain donors, and not necessarily on the top donors, and I really had to train myself, this is my job, I need to spend the most time, where I'm going to get the most reward and Michigan controllers raid on all the details, right? The best contact reports, which we really need in their business so that we have a history of what's happened. But can be methodical. If anyone's going to copy and paste the thank you note, it's an admission controller and so I'm always telling mission controllers.


Please, customize everything.


Make everything unique because that's what these, these relationships and these gifts are about.


So, as a bonus material today, we've got a chart on how to support each asking style, which is really important for your board members. Again, if they're going to help you fundraise, Each one of them is going to need different information, different guidance, different training and practice in order to be comfortable and effective.


So before I take 1 or 2 more questions, I know Charlotte had a question. I want to remind you that charity, how to always asks you to fill out surveys. one will pop up.


When we're done here today, Please fill it out so they can continue bringing you the best webinars.


two, if you want to keep in touch with charity, how to, if you're new to them through this webinar today, you can keep in touch through LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, and also on their blog, with they have lots of wonderful resources by fellow fundraisers in the field. If you want to reach out to me, Brian, it asking matters dot com.


If you want to e-mail me, please go to ... dot com for the assessment and for all sorts of other free materials. And actually, I have another. I actually now at my own site, brian saber dot com, Where, through, which I do all my trainings and workshops and things like that.


So as we finish up, let me answer Charlotte's question when you say in a voicemail. If you don't get the first phone call, you do leave a voicemail. I only leave a voicemail once. If I try again and I don't get the person, I hang up. So I say who I am. I Sarah's reaching out. I was hoping it depends on what you're asking for. It fits for meeting. I was hoping to set up a meeting of helping you. You consider sitting down with me in person to talk about a gift.


Here's my number. But I will try you again.


As I said, I rarely leave voicemails. I tried to do most of my work by e-mail, and almost everyone is on it today and uses it, so I'm more likely to do that. But that's what I would say in a voicemail.


OK, I don't see any other questions.


If you do come up with any that you didn't ask here, please reach out to me, Brian, that asking matters dot com.


Thank you so much for reaching, for being with me today, and I wish you all the best in your fundraising. These are not easy times. It's never easy to fundraise. Now it's more challenging than ever, but your work is more important than ever. So thank you.


Well, thank you, Brian. And thanks, everyone, for attending today's webinar. As Brian mentioned, once you log out, you will receive a survey on the presentation. We would really appreciate it if you could complete it and provide your thoughts on today's webinar. Additionally, I posted a link to the questions box where you can submit a Chevy testimonial about your learning experience with CharityHowTo. We'll get our live webinar for free. And also, a chance to win an annual membership and installed there, but also a $500 Amazon gift card. So, make sure to take advantage of these, and have a wonderful rest of your day.

Topics: nonprofit fundraising, best fundraising, how to make fundraising easy, fundraising skills