CharityHowTo Blog

5 Tips for Your Year-End Fundraising

Written by Taylor Shanklin | Dec 21, 2021 5:22:14 PM

Free Nonprofit Webinar! Social Media for Nonprofits - 5 Tips for Year-End Fundraising

Social media for nonprofits is here to stay. Especially seeing as more and more social media platforms are popping up all over the place. 

Considering a vast majority of people in the United States and across the globe have a smartphone and social media accounts, it makes sense to build an online presence for your nonprofit. 

We’re talking all about social media for nonprofits in this article, and how you can start building your presence online. 

Plus, we have a free nonprofit webinar at the end of this post from Taylor Shanklin of Barlele, who’s sharing 5 tips for your year-end fundraising! 

What Are the Benefits of Social Media for Nonprofits? 

Isn’t it enough to create a nonprofit website and use that to grow your organization? 

You absolutely can! There’s nothing wrong with that. 

But social media for nonprofits is quickly changing how organizations can build a strong community of supporters and inspire action. 

Here are just a few benefits of nonprofit social media marketing: 


1. Builds Nonprofit Awareness

First and foremost, nonprofit social media marketing builds awareness around your organization’s mission. 

While using a nonprofit website is also a key element to success, social media can give you quick access to more eyes on your cause. 

Through Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and even TikTok, your nonprofit can offer posts that clearly communicate the issue at hand. And you can share how your organization is helping the issue. 

Without nonprofit awareness, no one knows about the cause you’re helping. That’s the beauty of social media for nonprofits. You can quickly (faster than ever before!) build that brand awareness so people do know the cause exists, and your organization is helping it. 


2. Establish a Community of Supporters

Social media for nonprofits allows organizations to interact with supporters easier, faster, and more effectively than ever before. 

Rather than solely using email or direct mail, supporters can reach out to ask questions or comment on your nonprofit through social media platforms. 

And your organization can reply just as quickly! The use of DMs, comments, shares, and likes helps your organization establish a community of supporters. The tools that social media platforms provide allow your organizations to build strong relationships with donors. These are the people who care about your mission and want to support it.


3. Share Your Mission

Nonprofit social media marketing is an excellent way to share your mission. Highlight volunteers and staff that are in the field working with your cause. Share your victories, and even showcase the hardships. This can help you build more authentic relationships with your supporters, too. 


4. Encourage Action

Finally, one of the greatest benefits of social media for nonprofits is the simple fact you can inspire and encourage supporters to take action. 

Social media platforms for nonprofits have made it easier, too. With clickable buttons and links that take supporters straight to donation pages, you can encourage everyone who sees your posts to take action for your cause.  


How to Choose Social Media Platforms for Nonprofits

One of the drawbacks of social media for nonprofits is the fact that there are so many platforms to show up on.

How in the world is your organization supposed to make a presence on all of them? 

Well, it doesn’t have to. Instead, your organization can select the best social media platforms based on your nonprofit’s donors and supporters. 

Many social media platforms attract certain demographics and types of people. So, choose the best social media platform for your nonprofit based on your ideal donor.

You’ll also want to consider the purpose of those social media platforms. Then, you’ll need to show up accordingly. For example, TikTok is great for short-form videos. But it’s not great for lengthy text captions. If your audience prefers text captions, then that may not be the best platform for your nonprofit. 

Here are a few key things to consider for each of the major social media platforms for nonprofits: 



People of all ages use this platform. However, it’s less popular among teens and younger crowds. It’s more popular for millennials and older generations. It’s an excellent platform to share news about upcoming nonprofit fundraising events. It’s also a great social media platform for nonprofits who prefer to share images, videos, and longer text captions. 



This is a visual platform that uses video, images, and graphics to interact with followers. It’s a great blend of TikTok and Facebook, as it focuses on visuals, yet it still allows for text captions. Over half of Instagram’s users are 18-29 years old. The second-largest age group on the platform is 30-49 years old. 



A social media platform that’s great for nonprofits who need to make quick updates. Twitter focuses on shorter posts (within 280 characters) that show up in followers’ feeds in real-time. Nonprofits that focus on advocacy, activism, or that need quick responses due to natural disasters may find success on Twitter. 



Video marketing for nonprofits is still on the rise. More and more content consumers want to enjoy short and long-form videos. So, using YouTube to post videos is great to build brand awareness. Not to mention, you can use YouTube to host your videos. But you can also embed those same videos onto your nonprofit website. So, you’re essentially knocking out two types of digital marketing for nonprofits by using one social media platform for nonprofits. 



LinkedIn was originally designed for professional networking. Now, it’s transformed into a great social media platform for nonprofits, too. You can connect with volunteers and potential staff members looking for job placements. Plus, you can reach out to corporate donors to help you build your major donor portfolio.



TikTok is one of the newest social media platforms available on app stores. But many nonprofit organizations are already taking advantage of it! It’s a video-based platform that’s popular among younger generations, like teens and younger millennials. Users can record and share 15-60+ second videos. And these videos often center around challenges or trends. It’s a great social media platform for nonprofits to help build brand awareness. 


Social media for nonprofits is here to stay - at least for the foreseeable future. But after you’ve chosen the best platforms for your organization, you need to show up to see the benefits. 

Taylor Shanklin, the CEO of Barlele, is an expert in social media marketing for nonprofits. And she’s sharing her 5 best social media tips for your year-end fundraising! Watch the free nonprofit webinar below: 



Free Nonprofit Webinar: 5 Social Media Tips for Your Year-End Fundraising

In this free nonprofit webinar, Taylor Shanklin is going to teach you her tips for how to get the most out of your social media for your nonprofit during this busy and impactful time of year.


Awesome. Well, thank you Marcela for the warm and show. Hello, happy Tuesday. I think it's Tuesday.


It's good to see you all here, and please do type in questions, and we'll try to get to as many as possible.


My name is Taylor Shanklin, I'm the CEO and founder of Barlele. We help nonprofits and small businesses with branding and messaging, and marketing strategies and social media fundraising is one of the things that we do quite a bit.


So I wanted to put together this webinar and talk to the charityhowto team, about some top tips that you need before the year-end fundraising campaign. And I do want to say that this is all applicable to social media marketing for your nonprofit.


In general, I'm not going to go super in the weeds into just year-end giving, But I really want to give you things that you can use at your Get year-end giving, giving Tuesday, and holistically.


new things to think about fundraising strategies to put into place to get more out of your social media, both from an organic, social perspective, and a paid advertising social perspective. If you want to reach out to me, feel free to e-mail me, taylor at ... dot com, and we can stay in touch. Without any further ado, my friend, ..., feel free to throw that at me if you would like.


I've been doing Digital strategy for nonprofits, or 14, almost 15 years, and have worked with a lot of different types of organizations over those years, large, and small, and done, pretty much every digital nonprofit marketing thing you can think about when it comes to fundraising. So I bring that experience to the table here today.


I'm also a ted-x speaker, Add a podcast producer and host.


That's good to be here. It's good to see you all here.


I want to kick us off with a poll and we'll learn from you, from the audience.


How are you currently increasing brand awareness through social media for nonprofits?


So let me get this poll kicked off because I want to see, I kinda want to engage where people are at right now.


So let me know, are you doing a mix of organic and paid strategies? So you're doing things like video.


Comment to gaging on other people's social, and getting them, engage with groups, and communities, and social channels.


You're doing a little bit of all of the above, and I know there's a lot of things you can do, and so it's hard to pick a full with just 4 or 5 options, but let us know what you're doing so far today.


All right.


And I'm seeing most people right now are same, 41%, all of the above, and then the next in line is 31%.


A mix of organic and page strategy.


Small percentage next in line is 13% of videos.


8% are commenting on engaging on other people's pages and social media posts, and 6% are doing groups and community.


All right, give it two more seconds, see who, I think we've got a clear winner.


All right.


So I'm going to close, I'm going to share that too, in case you want to see the poll results show.


Good to hear that the majority of you all are already doing either a mix of things or all of the above, like you're kinda dabbling and then a dipping your toes in the water.


So of all of these things, good to hear.


We've got a good group here who is already doing quite a bit, it sounds like.


Let's get into tactical things that you can do. I want to first start off with how to strategize around your content, how to plan your content.


And then I'm gonna get into things like maximizing your hashtags, growing your audience organically.


I'm going to give you some tips for Facebook and Instagram advertising strategy. And last thing I'm going to round it out with today is a talk on tools.


I Love tools, and there are so many amazing, Powerful technology tools that make our jobs easier these days when it comes to social media, Because I know social media can be very overwhelming And a lot of the organizations we work with can, quickly become overwhelmed By social, because there's so much to know.


And how much to do And so much to think through, I'm going to give you my top tools and show you things that my team and I used to do, social media for ourselves and for our clients.


Alright, So let's get into step one, First, you gotta figure out, like, what are you even gonna say, right? So, if you're thinking right now, specifically, maybe, What's hot on your mind?


Is your year-end giving campaign, or maybe you're giving up for, you're gearing up for giving tuesday, and then that's going to trickle into Year-end. What are you going to say? How do you strategize your content?


First, I want to stop with, what are some top trends?


And the reason why I want to give you a quick drumbeat on the top trends is, Because, a lot of times, my client asked me that often, Well, what should our social look like? What should our numbers look like? And so if you haven't read the MMR benchmark report, I highly recommend going and downloading that.


And reading it, it's one of the greatest industry benchmark reports when it comes to digital marketing, trends, email marketing, you know, paid advertising, and they've added in a lot more in recent years, around social media for nonprofits.


So, if you're trying to first get a gage of what you could or should look like in terms of the numbers on social media, this is a really good benchmark report to look at, to start to, kind of think through, like what are maybe some potential goals or metrics.


I start there again, because as you're thinking about planning out a lot of different types of content, or you know, what you want to get out of social media in, particular to your end-of-year fundraising campaign. I think it's good to have a gage.


And a guide of what are other nonprofits in the industry doing.


All right, the next thing, when it comes to Planning, your content is not even yet thinking about the content.


But thinking a little bit more about how do we put all of this down on that piece of paper.


Really kind of project manage the process. So the first recommendation and when it comes to strategizing and planning your content is to use some sort of a good old-fashioned project management tool.


Some of the ones that I like our air table click up, Trello, Asana.


You can even use a good old-fashioned spreadsheet. I have a free one. If you want to go to ... dot com slash learn, there's a spreadsheet that you can use the download on Google Sheets to plan your content. And then another tool that I like is called Crowd Campaign, I'm going to talk about that one later to this allows you to both plan their content and schedule your content.


The reason I think this is so important is that it can be very easy to get into the cycle of randomly posting things, right?


Or, and then feeling like you don't really have a clear plan in place, or having people throw things at you, Like, well, you gotta go post this, now, you gotta go push this now, and if you've got a good content plan in place, at least it gives you a little bit of armor and a little bit of ammo when those it'd be board members, suddenly throw things that you were, you can say, Hey, we've got a whole content plan.


Alright, let's see where this fits in.


So it helps you from an organizational perspective, Internally.


It helps you from the perspective of setting expectations, with your team, and your board, and other people who might be throwing their ideas at you, or Social media for nonprofits, just helps you have a place where you can bring it altogether, And everyone knows what's going to be coming up.


So if you don't have something like this already, for year-end giving, you can try any of these tools for free, Trello, Asana. Click up, they all have free options, so you don't even have to spend a lot of money to get a good project management tool for planning your content.


one of the things that I love about some of these tools, as well as they allow you to lay your content out in a very visual way, or in a calendar, so it's easy to see what's coming up, what it looks like, and when it's going to be your social media post for nonprofits ready.


Alright, next, once you have your tool, start to brainstorm and think about things.


Right, and so, I like to think about planning my content in terms of, I want to have a little bit of awareness. I want to have a little bit of fundraising. I want to have a little bit of storytelling, and I want to have some events in there as well. And then mix and match those different types of themes throughout the month or the quarter the week.


My biggest thing around planning content is to be realistic with your time.


Be realistic with yourself, because it can very quickly become overwhelming. You can try, you know, if you feel like, oh, my gosh, we've got to post content on your social networks every single day.


And if that's just wildly unrealistic for you and your team based on, you know, the people that you have at your organization, If you've got a small team, it's OK. You don't have to post every day. Be realistic and plan it out.


Be intentional and be thoughtful and come up with a mix of posts.


Because, if all you're ever doing is only fundraising, then your audience is going to eventually start to disengage.


So it really needs to be a mix of these different types of plays on social awareness, fundraising, storytelling, and events. And other ways you're asking people to get involved either with an event, attendance or an advocacy petition or something like that, mix it up.


The next step in planning your content is really thinking about claudine your content.


And this is pretty specific to Instagram. When you look at the visual that I have here.


If you've ever heard people talking about making the perfect grid on Instagram, this is kind of what we're talking about.


So that when people scroll, and they open up, and they look at your profile for the first time, unpretending profile, you see that grid of different graphics, and it vision will lead, is appealing.


And it visually works together, because it's actually planned out.


As opposed to kind of a hodgepodge of different graphics that don't look at tonight.


That's a little bit, you know, a play into vanity and Instagram posts, but if you're really thinking about having your profile look professional, you can even start to think about, OK, how starting for end of year giving, do we start to, kind of, build that profile and plot it out.


so that we're telling a story along the grid lines, with the different types of posts that we're planning.


And this is just an example of one of the ways in which we coach our clients to start to think about, OK, how to plan your grid. First. You might want to have a story from a donor, if you have that, or how to do something, or educational videos about the work that you do, or your organization, infographics, you know, behind the scenes things.


So these are all just ideas to get your wheels turning and thinking about how can you take this kind of content slot and start to think about, OK, how can I apply this to my end of year giving campaign, and start to plot my grid on my social profile that way.


Now, this is pretty specific to Instagram for nonprofits, because on other channels, you don't see the grid plot.


However, what I'll say is that it's, maybe, less relevant visually, on a tool, like Facebook, or LinkedIn for nonprofits, or some other channel.


But it does matter, still, in terms of, again, just giving people a mic of different kinds of content that you're sharing.


That helps to keep people interested and engaged by giving them, essentially, the same overall story and message about your organization, but you're telling it in different ways through different types of awareness, tactics, and different types of content.


This is an example of us taking a client grid and saying, hey, this is what you're currently doing on the left, right.


It's just kinda a bunch of pictures, and they're all nice pictures but there's not really necessarily visually a cohesive look to them and us than proposing Hey, this is what we're talking about when we're talking about plotting your content. So you can see, again, the eye just looks at it and it's visually broken up.


In a different way.


That's a little bit easier to kind of follow the storyline. If you're late reading left to right?


Just a sample of what we mean by plotting your content.


All right, let's get into hashtags.


Alright, and I hear this a lot, like, What's the purpose of hashtags? Right?


And so I really want to break down hashtag survey and have, think about using them.


I'm very, in the weeds tactics about hashtags, because they seem to continue times to confuse us, and so I want to break that down and give you recommendations on hashtags.


First, I will say, read that blog.


If you want to learn more about hashtags, to really good, read with a video on the Hootsuite blog. Can all about hashtags and specific different platforms Treat hashtags in different ways.


one of the platforms that hashtags matter the most on is Instagram.


And so you will actually see a little bit of a bent toward how to do hashtags on Instagram and that blog and that link below that will provide.


But the point with hashtags is to really think through, in terms of, like, getting more visible is to mix, to do some hashtag research. And I'm going to give you a recommendation on a tool for that.


And then to add in hashtags that are seen, too, and shown to large audiences alongside of hashtags, they're a little bit more specific and likely to be shown to fewer people.


And so when you think about hashtags, and using hashtags very intentionally, it's really about increasing your reach.


Hashtags are a way to get found in the scene, And I like to think of them as kind of like SEO for social media.


So a way to get found and be seen by people who maybe don't already follow your organization or know who you are. That's why hashtags are important.


This is an example of putting that hashtag strategy into place where we went out and we did some research for a particular cause area.


And we said, OK, if you these hashtags, at the very bottom, you'll see down here, these are going to be shown based on usage and what we can find.


These are gonna be shown in about 10000, or 20,000 posts, and then we move up the ladder in terms of how frequent these hashtags are actually used across social media.


So these are used less frequently down here at the bottom, and the further you go, kind of up, the ladder, the further you start to whiten hashtags that are very frequent.


And the reason I say to use a mix of big audience, hashtags, and small audience hashtags, is, because if you get specific down here at the bottom, and you mix that, with more general, broad hashtags at the top, you're going to start to see better results in terms of your reach.


There's a hashtag generator tool that we like to use called, I have, I have a slide, and here you are out of order, called graph tag.


This is a free tool. You can go, and you can check it out, and you can start to research words that have to do with your cause, or people with, like, interests.


that, maybe are related to your cause area or your mission, and it'll start to give you information on the kinds of hashtags that you can use that might help to expand your reach.


Now, another example, and again, this is specific to looking at Instagram hashtags.


This is just an example of using 10 hashtags, right?


Versus over on the right, using 30 hashtags, and you'll see what's important here is down on the left.


When it says from, from hashtags, only 36 people or accounts were reached, right?


When you used fewer hashtags, when you increase their hashtags, man, you increase your reach, and a lot more people saw the post on social media or saw the link in your bio or profile because hashtag sort of break down something that feels sometimes still like a bit of a nebulous concept that is the value and getting your hashtags, right.


And they do differ on different platforms.


When you're thinking about preparing your social media content for your year end fundraising goals, don't completely re-use and recycle everything exactly the same. You do need to do some customization on different platforms.


Each platform has their own algorithms, their own way of working, and you do have to sort of make adjustments to your posts based on the platform.


So when it comes to hashtags, here's what we a fountain to work The best Facebook you don't need a lot. You don't want a lot. You probably want just 2 to 3 related hashtags.


Instagram was the one where the platform like a lot of hashtags. And it is going to increase your reach more related hashtags.


Don't just post random hashtags, make sure they're actually related to your topic and what you, our Postini.


And lastly, LinkedIn, we like to do a lot of stuff on LinkedIn as well. I want you to think about year-end fundraising, how you could potentially get your board involved in sharing information about your year-end appeals on LinkedIn. And that platform likes about 3 to 5 hashtags for optimized capabilities.


Alright, let's talk about organic growth next, and by the way, that hashtag strategy all applies to organic and paid.


one of the best ways to grow your following is showing up consistently every day and doing organic stuff.


It's not the fast way, it's not the easiest way, but it is the right way to start to build your audience on social and to start to engage people.


These are recommendations on gaily engagement activities.


And I'm gonna say, when I read these bullets, bullet points when you're thinking about, specifically, I get a lot of questions about how to grow Instagram. It's very easy to see ads to, you know, that tell you, like, Hey, we'll get you a thousand followers in a week.


Don't click on those ads.


Those are things that are just there to entice you for something that feels like a quick when.


But if you really want to build trust and authority in your brand and your organization, it's really important to do things to start the organic way and the right way.


It does take time, right?


And so, again, I tell you to be realistic with your time, right, Because if you really want to be intentional with growing audience here, it does take some time. You can just do a little bit every single day. Or you can put an intern on this.


But this is just recommended daily engagement that we have seen to work well to really organically grow followers on social, right?


So commenting on other people's posts that are related, that you feel, like, align well with your brand, that's one of the best ways to organically grow, is to go out, and to actually care about other people's content. So maybe how volunteer, which maybe you have peer-to-peer participants. Maybe you have people who benefit from your programs or services.


Start engaging with those people.


Have your board members start engaging with those people online as well, and that helps to organically grow and be seen.


I know that when you look at some of these bullet points and think like commenting on 30 to 60 recent posts from relevant hashtags, again, this is just a recommendation.


And I say sometimes it's like, well, put, get an intern to do this for 30 minutes a day, and you will start to see that organic growth in organic proof.


If you go and you're trying to buy followers, oftentimes they're fake accounts are bots, your profile is going to get dinged for doing it because, you know, the platforms are wise to it now and they know that that's what you're doing. It's it really don't recommend it.


I recommend instead just doing a little bit every day and consistently you'll start to see those numbers go up.


Facebook, I would take a little bit of a different tactics, so that's Instagram. one of the things we've seen work very well on Facebook, and I saw, look like 86% were doing things when with groups and communities.


Here's the thing about Facebook, Facebook wants you to pay for advertising.


So, if you have a company page, and you're posting things to the Facebook page, it likely might not get seen unless you boost the posts, advertize the post, um, or start getting other people to share it on their personal profiles.


How other groups in Facebook are treated rather differently because they are closed communities, Right, Their communities starting this group.


And Facebook shows all your post very much to the people in the group on Facebook.


So, we're seeing a lot of success with people who are starting to form more community engagement on Facebook.


By taking things into a Facebook group, and inviting people who are engaged with your organization into the group, They're gonna see things more often from an organic non paid perspective, if you start doing some things in groups, and again, pope pages really are just more of a pay to play at this point.


So, that's kind of a little bit about Facebook for nonprofits and kind of thinking through, because I have heard this, and it's from many clients and other partners who do a lot of work in social media platforms. That seems like Facebook is down, and I really see it more in terms of what gets shown on the Facebook page.


But Facebook groups are growing, and people will see your stuff that you posted, a group, So, just one thing to think about in terms of strategy on different channels, all right, I'm going to do a quick time check.


alright, let's get into some advertising strategies now. All right.


So, I want to run one more poll here, and I want to know if you're currently spend in any ad money on social channels.


Let us know.


Yes, On Facebook, via Instagram. Yes, Google ads, All of the above, or none of the above?




A lot of Facebook.


49%, none of the above?


eight, yes, on Instagram.


Google ads, 10%, all of the above.


And you might even be running some things. I find that less common in our industry to run ads on LinkedIn. Those tend to be more expensive.


Facebook and Instagram tend to be the best bang for your buck.


A lot of non-profits run things on Google Ads, especially if you get the Google ads grant going for your organization.


That can be an effective tool for increasing search ability on search engines.


OK, great, I'm gonna close this out.


On. Share those results. So we saw 34% of you are spending money on Facebook, 9% On Instagram, 11 on Google, can all of the above, and then 52, none of the above.


Alright, well, I'm gonna give you some strategies to think about today, and again, I know this is kinda Facebook and Instagram heavy, but I do see those two channels, and continue to see those two channels as the ones that have large audience, are highly effective.


And in terms of, then, gain money there.


Really give you a good bang for your buck to get that brand awareness out there, and start getting people to see your organization and the work that you're doing. I'm going to hide that poll.


Thanks, everyone, for chiming in on it.


All right, so I first want to have a real heart to heart with everyone here today about boosting versus Facebook ads manager.


You've probably seen that boost button a lot.


And maybe you've clicked on it before We all have But I want to talk about B Reason to run your ads through Facebook ads Manager versus just clicking that boost button and the boost button. It's great.


It's shiny, it's really easy to do because you have, you know, a post that you posted on your Facebook page, and then Facebook starts saying, hey, you could boost this post.


Here's why it's a less effective strategy. Yes, number one, it is easy, it's very easy to boost a post and say, let's see what happens, let's put 20 bucks, and then find out what happens.


However, there is a lot less that you can do with a boosted post than if you actually go into Facebook Ads Manager and set up a real ad business account and start running ad campaigns in Ad manager.


This is a kind of a full kind of high level list of, like here's all the stuff you can do in Facebook Ads Manager, and you can't do when you boost a post. And I like to be real with this, because I know a lot of organizations that I work with, and I've done this before to like, oh, yeah, that's great. Let's just try this. But they're less effective. Your reach. You can't control as much about the ad, It can't actually build quite as good of an audience.


There's just a lot more that you can actually do if you set it up in Facebook ads, are. Sure, it does take a little bit more setup time, and it's not as easy.


But you're gonna get a lot more out of it, and you're going to have a lot more control.


Also, if you, I saw 34% say, yes, we're running ads on Facebook, but 9% say yes, on Instagram, You might consider setting up ads within, if you connect your Instagram account to your Facebook nonprofit fundraising account, you can manage all of it from within the Facebook Business Manager Suite.


And that makes it really easy to also run ads, Can set up the ads on Facebook, and then select to run on Instagram as well.


So that's an easy way to start, saying, hey, we're going to also try to run these on Instagram at the same time that we're running them on Facebook.


Do the work to set up Ads Manager, and you'll have a lot more control about your ads, All right?


Then, I want you to think about What is an ad strategy look like, All right, we think about it in this way: there's sort of like three level, then you can break it down even more, but like, let's, let's keep it simple and effective all at the same time.


So, you're first? Usually, you're starting out with a cold campaign or like you're just trying to get in front of more eyeballs and get more people to see your ads in your organization, who aren't yet familiar with you.


Right? So a cold campaign is going to target audiences who have yet to interact with your brand.


Once they started interacting with your brand, that's when you start running a warm campaign. They see me before they've engaged a little bit. Maybe they're a fan.


They get a little bit of a different message, and then you get into the hot campaign.


People who visited the website, maybe they even started filling out a form on your website, but they didn't actually complete the interaction.


If you have the Facebook Pixel set up on your website, then you can actually start to track these interactions, and then the next time you see them on Facebook or Instagram, you can serve them.


A heart campaign, is something that is familiar to them.


So it's really about starting to first, get in front of them, then starting to nurture them a little bit, and then starting to really nurture them and say, like, Hey, we don't assess.


Check this out before. All right, do you want to finish that donation form? Do you want to finish that petition? Do you want to sign up to be a sustained giver?


Do you want to get to our end of year campaign or become an advocate for us on giving tuesday as an example?


I want you to think about in this funnel, what are your different audience profiles, right, who are you targeting?


one of the nice things about advertising on Facebook and Instagram, and you can get pretty granular.


you can't necessarily pick out Lena or Claire as an individual person, but you can target these types of profiles. And so we like to even set up, you know, personas like these, where it's like, OK, we've got Lena. We've got Claire, we've got Anthony. They have different personas. They have different profiles.


They've interacted with us in different ways, and we're going to start to use what we know about them to engage with them, based on what we know.


Once we start to understand this audience, this is an example of, actually, what a campaign strategy workflow, or campaign workflow could look like.


So your first, hitting, Lena cold. I she's never seen them before. She's busy business woman who doesn't know anything about your organization, but maybe, you serve her Facebook ad, and she sees something, right? She might go immediately to your donation page and give a donation, and fill out the form, and sign up for your newsletter.


And if she does, awesome, she has a list. But she might not.


She might need a little warning up if you've ever heard the rule of seven.


The rule of seven is that it takes seven times before they actually take action after seeing your brand or seen something that gave them information. And so, this is the beauty of like, really thinking through the different phases of the funnel, of your coming in cold.


We're probably going to have to warm you up for awhile.


You might not make a donation on the first, you know, cold call, But we're going to warm you up.


We're going to actually run specific, warm campaigns on the social channels to continue to let you get to know us and let you know how to get involved.


All right, and then we're going to move you, Let's say again, you go into that hot zone where you've probably all experienced this before. You go online to buy a pair of shoes, You put the shoes in the cart, Your kid distracts you, you'll walk away.


You don't buy the shoes, and then 24 hours later, you get an e-mail from Zappos that's like, hey, shoes are still in your cart. Do you wanna buy these shoes? We really thank you, want these shoes. Issue, the look great on you. Right, you can think about this the same way of those e-mails that you get when you don't buy shoes. So, again, if you have the pixel Facebook pixel track and integrate it into your online fundraising page, or your website, you can start to do that thing that the shoe companies do to us. But with donors, Hey, we saw, yeah, yeah, hung out. Yeah, it didn't end up making the donation.


So those are some ways to move people along the funnel and nurture them from cold to warm, to hot, with your online app.


I want you to think too, about, I know we're getting low on time, and you're gonna get these slides, by the way. Whole slide deck and you can always feel free to reach out with questions, if you've got questions to follow up on. When you're thinking about each donor persona.


I want you to start thinking about how do you answer all of these questions, right, When you're thinking through your ad strategy, what's going to be in your ad?


First stop, what's the purpose of the ad?


What's your objective?


Then you gotta think about the different parts of the ad, your statement, something that's going to get people attention, a catchy headline, you've maybe thought about this before in terms of your e-mail, subject lines. What is going to be catchy? What's going to get people to open?


When it comes to social media for nonprofits advertising, lets people going to get people to stop Scrolling, if they're scrolling around like this all the time, let's kinda get them to stop scrolling, and to click in, then you want to let them know who you are.


What problem do you solve in the world, and why does it matter to them?


Why are they a part of it? Why do you fit into their life aspiration?


And then, why should they donate or join in on this activity?


Um, with each different donor Personel go through and define all of these objectives.


So this is just another example of, know, we looked at Leena now. We're looking at Claire.


This is who Claire is.


This is kind of the basics, makeup of Claire and people like Claire.


And here's our objective with this persona group.


And then lastly, you know, we've got Anthony. Someone who almost completed that donation, almost completed that form, or almost signed up for peer-to-peer fundraising event.


Let's reach Anthony with this objective, and this, uh, urgency, and this message and this action.


Again, as you think about different personas in different stages of the funnel, plan out and chart out the objectives of each ad, the messaging of each ad, and what you're going to have people to do with each app.


Alright. Last thing? I'm going to wrap it up with social media tools. Now, let's talk tools.




Hi, five.


If you're already using Canva for nonprofits, literally one of the best tools ever invented on the internet, I can add a little bit of a dark about Canva, but it really is an amazing tool.


And it can make your life on social media for nonprofits a lot easier because you can just so quickly create graphics and videos and infographics. We use Canva for nonprofits for 90% of the marketing materials that we do for ourselves and for our clients.


Because it's so powerful.


So I recommend, if you're not using Canva yet, as a nonprofit, you can apply to get it for free.


It's 12, 95 a month.


So it's pretty inexpensive, anyways.


And it's incredibly powerful, they have awesome templates in there that you can then customize tweak, make them your own.


We like to connect as much as possible so that we mitigate risk and, you know, kind of put into our QA and workflow, and making sure we're designing things, and then we're posting and scheduling the right thing.


So I really come to love the tool poplar for scheduling if you are using Canva for design, because Publisher and Canva integrate, and you can design something in Canva for your social, and then you can literally connect it to poplar and push it directly to public.


You can set up many social profiles.


Cobbler's also really affordable, in my opinion, some of the other tools on the market, you've got Hootsuite. You've got, you know, social, Sprout Social.


There's a lot of tools on the market, buffer, many, many tools.


But this one, I think, is really affordable for what you get, and it is the only one that I can find that integrates directly with Canva.


I started using it for that reason and have found that to be highly effective.


They also have decent analytics and ..., if you start scheduling everything in Publisher, you can start to get a pretty good amount of analytics and understand what posts are working.


Posts are not working.


So I love those two tools, especially working together.


I also love cloud campaigns.


Now, this is another tool that you, it doesn't connect directly with Canva, but it's really good for the planning of your content, for the approval process of your content.


So if you have several people working on content, this will also has a really good approval process built in. You can set up one person as the admin to be the final approver of content, but you can have other editors involved.


Cop campaign is one of the best tools I have found on the market for analytics or about social media.


Highly recommend it. Again, you can start at about $39 a month. So, again, it's not super expensive is not as expensive as some of the other tools out there that are going to be 150 to $200 a month. Cloud campaign can go up, but if you're just connecting profiles only for your organization, $39 a month, and you get some of the best reporting that I've seen in social media analytics.


You can also connect it to your Google Google Analytics for your website.


And you can start to see a bit of the combination of social media and how social media effects of traffic. So that's interesting stuff to see.


The last tool I'm going to call out is called in Vital Elements.


I love this website for all of the templates that you can buy all, the stock photos that you can buy. It's a massive library of professional photos.


You know, website, graphics, social graphics, presentation graphics.


Again, it's just a great place to start with, a lot of templates that you can then customize and make your own with your brand.


So those are some of my favorite tools that we use, every day, all day, and every day, to manage social media for Ourselves and for the clients that we serve.


Really good tools, really affordable.


I've got some freebies for you if you want the social media canvas template book that we built.


They're called generic you can pop your name and you can plop your logo but it gives you a lot of ideas for different types of content and types of posts for social.


So, go grab that. If you have a Canva account, it is shared as a template. And you can just say, use this template and you can apply it into your Canvas account. Same with the brand guidelines Book.


This is the process and the formula and the methodology that we do for branding and messaging.


And, we have a template for you and Canva to use as well that, if you're interested to go check those out. And, hopefully they, they help you guys. I know we're right. At the 45 minute mark, I'll open it up for for questions and I can hang on the line. I know Marcel and I are able to hang on the line for a little while afterwards.


So, I'm seeing those questions. You want me to read them to you or do you see them?


Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead and read them out. So, let me see, do you have any tips for Outsmarting Facebook algorithm, so more people will see what we post?


Ah, I wish I did. I'd be a lot richer. No.


No, I mean, I think that's where I don't know that you can really out smart the algorithm.


It's, it's rather secretive to be honest, but that's where I think playing the right hashtags is important. There are strategies that we know that work right to get your stuff to be seen more.


Number one on Facebook, if it's a page, going back to what I said earlier, really the best bet to get more of your posts seen on your page are to pay for some advertising for them.


Videos still tend to do well, And I will say Facebook Live do well.


So if you want to start having some stuff seen, let's say you have an event, we have something that you'll want to highlight, you want to talk about, and you'll want to just open up a quick Facebook Live video and talk about it, or maybe interview someone about it.


Those get shown more, then other things, get shown.


Videos, get shown video, the thing that's important to know about video on Facebook, if you want to post it directly in Facebook, if you link to a YouTube video, or a Vimeo video, or a video hosted on another site, it's less likely to get seen.


So, I guess, I would say, like, as much as you can, post things, what's referred to as natively, in the app, as opposed to linking out to something else.


You can even think about it this way, Let's say you have a blog on your website, and you want to post a link to the blog for people to read the blog on, on your website.


The more you link outside of Facebook, the less they like you, because they want to keep you in.


So, you can even try things like posting what's called a long-form of post, where you literally take all the same content, but you just post it directly as long posts and Facebook, as opposed to a blog. Then if you want in the comments section, you can say, Hey, by the way, this is also on our blog, on our website, Check out this link.


So that's one tip.


In addition to the hashtags, in addition to pain, to play, and the last tip is just going back to if you see opportunity to create a Facebook group and invite people to follow your page to join the group.


You're more way more likely to get things that you post into the group to be shown.


Then you are on your page, Facebook change this several years ago, now at this point, Or they just, again, is started seeing dollar signs and saying, Hey!


We can make pages, you know, AKA what they think of as business profiles pay to get more engagement. And so that's when we saw that engagement goes down, but those hopefully are some strategies that can help you a little bit.


Benjamin asks, are relevant to Twitter.


Yes. They are a good question, and I didn't put that in there. But yes, hashtags matter a lot on Twitter actually as well, and I can go, I can find and send a follow up e-mail Marcelo, feel send up, like follow ups, with the recording and slides that I can update with some Twitter statistics in the slide deck as well the number of hashtags I don't know off the top of my head.


Asks. Can you still receive analytics about performance group instead of a page? Can you still boost inside it?


Ah, that's a good question. I don't think so.


Don't quote me on this, but that is a different groups really are seen more as communities and discussion forums.


For us pages are, You get a lot more analytics and insight.


I don't believe there's analytics and insights on groups.


But again, don't quote me on that. But it's really kind of a difference in mindset about what each is. Groups are all about discussion forum and driving communities.


Pages is more like you're kind of open advertising page. Or you know think of it like the phonebook back in the day, or if someone Googles you and they see that information. Think about your Facebook page a little bit more like that.


It's kind of your window into your organization, to, to the World Wars, people have to actually join a group, so it's a little bit more close, more private.


It helps.


Rather, it's more like, thanks for, for your helpful tips. Why? Not a good friend raising, because they're asking why you didn't mention Twitter.


Which one?


Oh, Twitter. Oh, oh. Oh.


I just haven't seen as many positive results, honestly, on Twitter. And I have a lot less experience in working with clients on Twitter.


Most of the work that we do, where we're seeing positive results just happens to be more on Facebook and Instagram.


That's not to say in most of my clients, we've always had a hard time getting traction on Twitter.


Um, I'm not saying that you shouldn't do Twitter.


I'm just probably not the most well versed Twitter person out there and have had a hard time seen organizations get as much traction on Twitter.


Twitter is very, very fast moving.


I think it's very hard to keep up with, I, this is maybe just my anecdotal advice and hunch about Twitter, and kind of purview on Twitter, at Penn, just a little bit.


The more geared around news, and keeping up with trends, and what's going on in the world, And I've seen less, in the way of, actually, like fundraising on Twitter.


I've seen organizations use Twitter more as a media channel, an outlet for news, about the organization.


But I've seen less success, in terms of, like, oh, yeah, there's definitely this big success story of fundraising on Twitter, just kinda less of a focus, for me and my clients.


Question asks, is just like notion.


I think, I'm not sure what notion is, I feel like I've heard of it before, but I'm not super familiar with the tool.


I'd have to go, I think notion of kind of like a note taking tool, but I could be wrong about that, but I don't have the best answer for that.


That's fine. Dana asks, Do you have any tips for promoting a 24 hour campaigns, such as giving to, say, one?


Oh, tips for 24 hours.


Yeah, I mean, as much as you can, I would say, like if you've got a specific, I would plan things throughout the 24 hours.


Like giveaways, like if you can get matching gifts and give, you know, Hey, we're going to have a donor match, if we've reached a goal by 12 PM today, we have a donor who's going on that.


So, like, try to find incentives, and milestones throughout the day, and kinda like keep hitting those milestones, and having your content planned, and prepared and ready to go.


For those milestones, I've seen that work well.


I've also seen people do things like, you know, pull up Facebook lives for giving days, where they are, are kind of getting on, and periodically sharing a live video. Sharing a live feed, again, those get seen a lot more if you do live videos, and then they also stay.


There's, I guess, priority given to them to be seen, even after you're not even live anymore, kinda hangs, and it kind of hangs up there.


So those are some tools to kind of like, get more engagement and interaction.


And just incentivize people to stay, engage, and touch, and continue to like seeing things over the 24 hour period.


Melanie asks, do you have any tips on how to respond to negative comments on a post?




This, this is tricky, right? I don't recommend not responding.


uh, I think if you ignore negative posts, then that doesn't really do anything great for your brand.


I think that's important to show, that you get out there, and you get in front of things, and you do respond.


It kinda depends contextually on this situation and what your response might be.


Um, sometimes, I've seen this work well where you can, you can respond to the post and say something like, Hey, we're going to be in touch with you one-on-one. We're going to, we're reaching out to you via e-mail, or we de dieu, right?


So, you don't have to give everyone a lot of detail, but you're showing your responses.


You're showing this other person that you're going to get back to them, but then you're taking it offline.


Now, there's also the school of thought that, like, there's always troll's.


If you have someone who's just completely trolling you like, you can delete their comments, you can block them.


And that's something that, in some situations, you do need to do, don't get into the troll's.


But if, let's say, there's a negative comment or two, I think it's best to respond.


Again, kind of figure out the context of what's happening when you think about your response, But if you want, unquote, take it offline them, you can at least show people that you're responding and taking them offline.


Great questions, and for us to wrap it up. I'm sorry if I'm not pronouncing this correctly, but sorry, again. Asks specific days, I'm sorry. Specific. Considered optimal and posting about fundraising on Facebook, Instagram for a non-profit organization?


Ah, yeah. Great question.


So, um, it's a little bit on looking at some of your own analytics and understanding when your audience engages.


So step one, I would news, I say, is like, first, look at your analytics, and see if you can understand when your audience engages the most, Because it might differ.


The other thing I'll say is like trends that I see.


Our post do well on, like Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, middle of the week, tend to do well.


Afternoon, timeframes tend to do well as well.


I think it might be, you know, people are starting maybe in the morning. They're busy at work that are engaged in the work, and then the afternoon, and I've taken a little coffee break. And those check in on the feeds and things like that.


I've seen less activity on Saturdays on a little bit more on Sunday afternoon if you're thinking about weekends.


But again, those are kinda just some trends, I would, You know, I've spotted them noticed again go back and look at if you can your analytics on your page and try to understand when your audience is engaging and then start to test out different things like that Based on what you see with your audience?


Last question, Lisa asks, Do you have on how best targeting on Facebook ads?


It gets so confusing Like how best to utilize all the details Yeah, it is a lot.


I get it There are. There's a lot you can do so First thing I always tell people is like. Don't try to just boil the ocean.


I, like, start small. There's a few different things you can do. You can target based on location. You can target based on interest areas.


So, if you want to start to narrow down a new audience, let's say, in your region in your area, try to define together location based targeting, plus Interests based targeting.


So looking for people who are interested in different topic areas that you feel like are related to what you're doing in your non-profit.


The other thing that you can do, and this works sometimes, kind of have header misses on this, is doing what's called Lookalike Audiences on Facebook.


We actually take your donor list of e-mails, you upload them into Facebook, and then it helps you find more people that recognizes their profile.


If they have that same e-mail address associated with their profile, that's kinda one of the Keith, Um, then I helped find other people like them, all right, so it might help you identify other people who are, like donors who you already have, who've already given an engaged with you.


So those are two kind of key methodologies as looking at interests plus regional targets together.


You can also look at demographics, age ranges, things like that, do kind of the, the interests and, you know, demographics based approach, or you can do the specific look alike audience approach.


Here's another little trick.


If you have large, let's say, there's a large organization, much bigger following than yours, you can actually go and target people who, like the Large organizations page.


Again, it's another way of like looking at kind of a general profile of Hello people who like this page?


Might like mine, too, and so that's another way to kind of build an audience target list or base based on something that's similar to yours, but maybe they're not people who are currently following or familiar with your organization.


That's a little.


OK, thank you so much, Taylor, was lovely to have you here with us today, and for all of those who are new to charity, how to. We always ask you to please complete the survey. That will pop up once we close the webinar, because your comments from our content, and since ... webinar, and it's brand new, we would love to get your input. So that survey will take NaN to complete and most, and it's anonymous. So that's anything else that's left to, say, Taylor.


Thanks everyone for joining. And hopefully, this was helpful. Hopefully, it was pretty tactical to think again, about like, all of these things can be applied to your year end campaign or what you're doing right around the corner, or just more holistically as you think about, you know, how to get more out of your social media. So thanks everyone, stay in touch if you've got questions.


Thank you, Marcela. Thank you to have a great rest of your day everyone. We will hope to see you again on another webinar.